Monday, October 24, 2011


Well, it's official now. The tests were right. Aunt Flow stopped by for a
visit this afternoon. I was starting to get so excited, but that's okay.
We'll just try again next month.


Four Days Late, Still Testing Negative

Well, now we're four days late. I tested first thing this morning with
negative results. I'm not very confident in those tests, though, since the
negative control line was barely visible. I'll have to pick up a few more
tests because I'm out. I wish I could get a positive or else start
menstrating because this weird limbo is awful.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Three Days Late, Still Testing Negative

Well, now I'm three days late on my period.  I haven't had any cramping or any other indications that Aunt Flow is due for a visit.  I'm starting to get hopeful.  But I tested again today with negative results, so it's still inconclusive.  I may try to test again in the morning and see if I can get a positive result.  Sheesh!  I'm going to have to buy some more tests!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


No visit from Aunt Flow again today.   Makes me wonder, so I tested again.   Negative.   Hmmm.   I haven't been testing with first morning urine, though, so maybe I just drink too much water?   Two days late.   Perhaps I'll wait a bit to test again.   In other news there was an f-ing chemical leak like a half mile from my house.  Hydrogen Sulfide.  The stuff that smells like rotten eggs.  The whole neighborhood stinks and it's even in the house now.  Burning eyes and some skin itchiness, but they're not evacuating.  A friend of mine joked that I might develop super powers after this!  Let's hope not.  

Friday, October 21, 2011

Maybe not

Took an early test and it was negative.   Guess I sjould be on the lookout for Aunt Flow.


I'm trying not to get too excited since I may be a bit crampy today, but I
was supposed to start my period today and haven't yet. I may pick up a few
more early tests and use one in the morning. I have to say, I would be
really surprised if I were pregnant. I just haven't noticed any odd
symptoms at all. I usually have some breast tenderness towards the end of
my cycle and I haven't noticed any at all this month. Well, here's hoping!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Probably not this time

Well, it's not looking promising this month.  I haven't taken a test yet, but I'm due to have my period in a few days, so why waste a good test when I have no reason to suspect pregnancy.  I guess some women "just know" when they've conceived, but I'm not so sure.  I was feeling awfully optimistic earlier in my cycle, though.  Perhaps I'll test in the morning.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ovulation Predictors - meh

So I've been using those pee on a stick ovulation predictors to find my LH surge, and then you're supposed to ovulate something like 24 hours later, but I haven't found them to be too much more useful than the signs that my body sends to me naturally in the form of increased cervical mucous.  I didn't really have a clear dark red line on my tester, it was just a light pink.  I expected that the next day I would have a darker line, but it was nonexistent the next day.  And on the last one that I tested with, the control line barely appeared.  But anyway, the day that I had the light pink line was when I had noticed an abundance of cervical mucous anyway, so I figured my ovulation would be the next day or so.  We "tried" three times this week, once on the day that I found that faint pink line on my tester, so I think our chances are pretty good.  I would have liked to have "tried" four times this week, but as always our work schedules and social obligations are sometimes exhausting and I can rarely convince my husband to "try" any more often than every other day, and often it's less frequent than that depending on our energy level.   I'll check back in a few weeks or sooner if any pregnancy symptoms appear.  I haven't been real uptight about it this month and have a more "go with the flow" attitude, but that's not to say that I won't freak out and start testing every day next week.

In related news, my husband's boss was starting the adoption process because he and his wife have been trying for 12 years to get pregnant without success.  They went to their first prenatal visit this week.  I'm so happy for them but also sad for the baby they would have given a home to.  Maybe they'll choose to adopt to increase their family if they want to have more than one child.