Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Baby Rooms

So, I acknowledge that I'm waaaay ahead of myself on this, but I've been thinking about a bumble bee themed nursery for several reasons.  One is that it is gender neutral.  Another is that the small second bedroom in our house is already painted bright yellow which is as good a color as any for a nursery.  In any event, I want to block print the sheet sets and curtains like so: http://www.readymade.com/blog/craft/2011/06/14/make_this_easy_fabric_printing

In other news, my bestie is having a girl!!  Guess I'd better get cracking on that quilt I promised her!

Of course, any amount of sewing requires that I have my sewing machine set up, and most of my craft things are still in boxes from the move last year.  But I've started getting my things in order and moved most of the boxes out of the spare bedroom (soon to be the nursery, if all goes well) and into the library and shared office space.  There are two 6' x 3' closets in the library.  My husband has one for his tech stuff and I have one for my craft and sewing junk.  Now all I have to do go through it all to organize it and somehow fit it all in the space!  Hopefully, though, I'll have it all squared away by next Saturday when we're hosting our friends and family for a luau / belated house warming party so everyone can see the hard work we've put in on our house.  It's going to take a lot of energy to get the projects we have ongoing finished, get organized and clean the house between now and then.

And speaking of luaus, I found an unbeatable deal on airfare to Honolulu so my husband and I booked a trip to Hawaii in January.  He lived in Hawaii for 10 years after being discharged from the Navy, so he's been dying to go back for a visit to show me all of his old haunts.  My only hope is that we get pregnant right away when we start trying in September, so that I'm hopefully out of the barfy first trimester during our 8 hour flight!

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