Monday, December 26, 2011

Spreading the news

We went ahead and told the family on Christmas Day since we were all gathered and in a festive mood already.  We drove up to visit my dad today and told him.  Everyone is really excited, but since I'm only about 4 weeks, I am really, really hoping nothing goes wrong.  I don't want to disappoint everyone.

My breast tenderness is nearly completely gone.  They're a little mushier than usual, but don't really hurt.  The only concern I have is a persistent pain on the left side of my abdomen.  It's sometimes a dull ache (like cramps) and sometimes a series of sharp pains, though they're not real intense.  I've had pains there before and am thinking it's probably an undiagnosed cyst.  Of course I'm worried about an ectopic pregnancy, though I doubt it would be causing pain this early.  I'll keep an eye out for spotting and will call my midwife tomorrow to set up an appointment.  I e-mailed her today, but since the abdominal pain I'm having is on one side only and pretty sharp and has persisted for two days, I'm going to follow up with a call tomorrow and see if they'll see me asap just in case the pain isn't a cyst.  I do not want to risk losing a fallopian tube.

I also have abdominal twinges on both sides that I suspect are normal and caused by uterus enlargement.

My friends are having a big, drunken house party tonight and I declined to go because not drinking at the annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Party would be tantamount to screaming "I'm pregnant" from the rooftop and I'm not ready to tell non-family members yet.  I want to wait until after we hear the heartbeat before spreading the news too much.

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