Thursday, January 5, 2012

Is it naptime, yet?

Am I sitting here at work with cold compresses in my bra? Yes. Yes, I am.
I have some conveniently-shaped, round, refrigeratable gel packs that I need
to find and start carrying with me, but today I improvised with napkins
wetted with cool water inside of sandwich bags. It really helped, too :) I
was a bit startled by the web of big, fat blue veins I saw in my breasts
last night. I'm very fair skinned, so I can usually see veins under my skin
anyway, but these were new and there were a lot of them. Very interesting.
I had to take a nap yesterday afternoon. I was starving when I got home from
work and then we gorged on Chinese food, and I think I put too much food on
my stomach and got sickly feeling, so I laid down and napped for three hours
until the worst had passed.

Today I have a bit of nausea and am feeling like I'd like another nap, but
there are three hours left in the work day, so I'm going to have to tough it


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