Monday, February 20, 2012

It's Facebook Official

I wanted to tell all of my good friends in person before sharing the news on
Facebook, so I made a special attempt to have lunch with my buddy who has a
3 month old who I don't see very often anymore. I kept trying to slip my
news into the conversation without just having to blurt it out, but there
wasn't a good time, or the baby was sleeping and I didn't want her to squeal
really loud and upset the baby. Basically, she talked a lot about herself
and the baby and every other inconsequential thing, and I found it hard to
steer the conversation towards myself.

So in the end, she had to find out on Facebook with the rest of my
acquaintances who didn't warrant telling in person or at least in an instant
message conversation.

There were lots of congratulatory comments and "likes". Very few people
were really surprised. We're people of a certain age who were recently
married, so I think it was expected that we'd be starting a family sooner
rather than later. My co-workers who found out on Facebook stopped by my
desk today to give their congratulations in person. I love my job! The
people are so great. I mean, it's boring, but the bosses are nice and
they're pretty lax, so I can't complain.

I filled out my FMLA paperwork today. Felt a little odd about it since I'm
not planning on coming back to work after the baby comes, but I filled it
out anyway. They'll be issuing my "Stork" parking pass soon so I can park
in the front row of reserved spaces. Someone on the BabyCenter group chided
me on wanting to park closer when I mentioned that my company offered these.
I'm like, "just because I have the options to park closer to the building,
doesn't mean I will. Geeze!" But I'll be damned certain to park there if
we have a snowstorm and the parking lot turns into an ice rink. People are
so judgy sometimes. It's like this person immediately jumped to the
assumption that I would park as close to the building as possible to avoid
walking while pregnant. Au contrare, I've actually been making myself walk
more since I found out I was pregnant, because, well, duh, it's healthy to
get some cardio every day. Anyway, that lady just ticked me off with her
snide comment.

Feels good to have the cat out of the bag, so to speak!


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