Our pediatrician that we met with a few weeks ago suggested I get a TdaP vaccination to cover the baby for whooping cough which is really bad this year and can be fatal to infants. I asked my midwife about it and she agreed that I should get it, but that they don't stock vaccines in the office so I would need to go to my primary care physician. I thought it would be faster and easier to go to the clinic in the local drugstore. They gave my husband one, no problem, but couldn't go near me with a ten foot pole unless my midwife faxed them a prescription for the vaccine. Sigh. I called the midwives and they agreed to fax it, but I couldn't get the fax number to the clinic. Their national customer support people were extremely rude on the phone, telling me that they don't have fax machines at the clinics (which isn't true at all because the nurse at the clinic told me they accept faxes) and that she couldn't give me their phone number to give to my physician because they don't take direct calls. So the vial of vaccine that was leftover from my husband getting his injection that was sitting in their fridge with my name on it is going to go to waste. I called my regular doc and talked to the lady in the lab who ran it past my doc and the nurse midwife just to be double sure that it was okay to give to a lady in her 37th week of pregnancy and they got me in and out in like 5 minutes. I should have done that first instead of waste a morning on the phone trying to get the clinic sorted out. I also saw my doc a couple weeks ago to check out my tongue which we had all thought had an oral thrush infection but which turned out to be geographic tongue. I had tried EVERYTHING including a round of anti-fungal mouthwash prescribed by the midwives and nothing cleared it up, so I was relieved to find out that this geographic tongue is something completely benign and slightly mysterious that no one is really sure what causes it, let alone how to get rid of it. I'll just have to live with the sore tongue for a few more weeks. My doc says it might have been set off by the hormonal changes of the pregnancy and that it should clear up after I give birth.
I've had a crampy feeling and a few contractions over the last few days and loose stools. I keep trying to talk myself out of thinking that I'll go into labor earlier than expected, but it's really feeling like things are starting to get moving. I've also had mild nausea. But now that I've gotten that darned vaccine, I'm hoping to make it two more weeks, since that is the recommended time table before exposure to a newborn. In any event, I'm trying to get lots of sleep in spite of the million little things I still have on my to do list before the baby gets here, you know just in case I do go into labor I'll have some energy to get me through.
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