Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
3 weeks to go
My in-laws had decided they were taking off on Monday to go up to Niagara Falls for four days. I'm like, "but what if I go into labor?" They hadn't thought of that. LOL. I know I have three weeks left, but it's really feeling like it could be any day now. For real. All day long today I had twinges in my cervix, so there's definitely some changes going on there. I had my strep B test on Thursday, and the midwife wanted to do a quick check to feel the baby's head from the interior to make sure it was indeed a head and not a squishy tushie. I gave her the okay and she had commented while performing the check that he was head down and engaged, my cervix was still very posterior but soft and perhaps a bit dilated already. He dropped down like two weeks ago, so I wouldn't be terribly surprised if I went into labor a bit early. Perhaps that's just wishful thinking, though. I've been feeling fairly uncomfortable with terribly hip and pubic bone pain. The first few steps I take after standing up are excruciating. And I'm just generally enormous and lumber around like a hippo!
I've been to cloth diapering class and have an in-house consultation coming up, 26 hours of Bradley Method birthing class, breastfeeding class, and infant CPR class; and I've hired one of the most experienced doulas in the area. I feel like we can't possibly do anything more to get ready than we've already done except for performing a really deep clean on the whole house. I spent some of the night tonight putting finishing touches on the nursery and it's almost ready for baby. We even set up the video monitor tonight and put in the outlet covers.
Now I just have to get through the shower next weekend and get all fo that put washed and put away and then I can pick up a few last-minute necessities and we'll be READY!
Our birth class:
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
I still can't walk around normally because apparently I have Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction and it's really kind of bumming me out. I have so much to get done, and not so much time left to do it in.
I have made good progress in the baby's room, though. The closet is painted and shelves re-installed. I've even washed all of the onesies and blankets I got at my shower and have folded and put them all away. This weekend, I hope to get some things hung up on the walls and install the monitor and smoke detector. I finally got the curtain I made forever ago put up, and my cousin recovered the old rocking chair my husband got for me at an auction for $2 with about $30 of fabric I picked out. It's so much softer and it's a bright lime green now. I love it! And we scored a glider rocker for the living room at the Goodwill for $25! My husband loves those.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
service and are pre-paid for 6 weeks of service. We've contracted with a
doula and she's been paid in full. We had our last Bradley Method class on
Tuesday, and our midwife looked over our birth plan and signed off on it
today. The few things remaining on our baby to do list are to finish
setting up the baby's room, install the carseats and get them inspected by
the sheriff, pay for placenta encapsulation, and finish packing a labor and
delivery bag. Oh, and get some more prenatal pics done. A photographer
friend of mine took some after my baby shower the other day and they looked
pretty good, but she wanted to do some more one day. I've also got another
baby shower coming up in four more weeks, a breastfeeding class and a baby
CPR class.
In other news, a lady at work mused that it looked like I was starting to
carry lower. That same day, I started noticing some pretty severe hip and
pubic bone pain. It's really bad today, so I asked about it and the
midwives say it's completely normal and that the baby is probably preparing
to engage in my pelvis (albeit a little early). Also, my fundal height
measured 36cm at 34 weeks today, so it's right on. I've been drinking red
raspberry leaf tea and eating figs and doing anything else I can to make
sure that everything goes smoothly for delivery.
I've had pretty bad swelling since Sunday when I spent a few hours outside
in really bad heat on a riverboat cruise. I didn't drink enough water that
day either, so when I swelled up on Monday, I wasn't too surprised. What
did surprise me is that it persisted. I kept trying to put my feet up and
even iced them, which usually does the trick. When I woke up on Wednesday
with swollen feet AND ankles (which was new since usually I just notice a
bit of puffiness on the tops of my feet, but my ankles are okay) and my
hands were also feeling stiff and swollen, I decided to take some drastic
action. When I got off work, I soaked in a tub of epsom salts with the jets
on for over an hour. That seemed to do the trick. I have also been sucking
down massive amounts of water. I was really worried about the swelling, but
my blood pressure if still fine and I haven't had any protein in my urine,
so it looks like I'm not headed towards pre-eclampsia.
Monday, July 23, 2012
On my way to work, a police cruiser turned in front of me. The uniformed
office behind the wheel was talking on his cell phone without using a hands
free device. Now, it's not illegal in my state if you're over 18 to talk on
the phone while driving without using a hands free device. Texting is
illegal, but not using hand held devices. But I still think the sheriff's
office should be setting a better example.
When I got to work all of the reserved spaces near the building were
occupied and I had to park in the back of the lot. My back is killing me
and it's really hot out when I get to work at 11, so this really ruffled my
feathers, especially since there are a lot of people parked in the reserved
spots who don't have the right tags to be allowed to use them. I e-mailed
our parking attendant and she got with the managers of the departments whose
employees were in violation of our policy. I felt kind of like a whiney
bitch for ratting people out, but this has been happening a lot lately.
People on first shift think these spaces are just spares and park in them,
making me have to hike my pregnant butt in from the back 40 in scalding
heat. It's just annoying.
My kitchen in unusable. Okay, a little background, here. We purchased our
home two years ago and got the first time home-buyer's tax refund which we
used to re-wire the whole house, install a new HVAC system and water heater
and put in new floors. Yay, for economic stimulation. Well, the contractor
we hired was my husband's cousin "Beaver". When they installed the HVAC
system, they ran a long line for the condensation to run out of the house
and they used PVC piping. Last week, during record heat, the condensation
built up in the line and bowed the long, unsupported line, causing
condensation to build up and start running back into the system. Thank God
that no damage was done to the air handler, but water started leaking into
the ceiling of my pantry (the air handler is in the attic) and eventually
saturated the drywall, ran down a wall and pooled in the hallway flooring,
ruining some of the new laminate we'd laid down the year before. Sigh. So
we had to tear down a wall, the ceiling in the pantry (and remove all of the
food that didn't get wet) and rip up the flooring and threshholds in the
hallway. Right now, the kitchen is unusable until we get the pantry put
back together, but at least the instant mold bloom that was created by the
leak has been cleaned up. My husband is very allergic to mold, so that's a
While the guys were tearing apart the house, I went to get my purple
highlights re-bleached and changed to turquoise. I didn't want to spend a
lot of money since we just hired a doula and paid her in full and we'll be
eating the repair costs for the kitchen, so I decided to go to the local
beauty college to have them done. Sigh...what can I say. I went in at 9:30
and didn't get out until 12:30. My baby shower was at 1 and it takes a half
an hour to drive there. I had to go home and shower (in cold water since
the guys had the electricity to the hot water heater turned off) and change
really fast. I was an hour late and felt like a giant tool and was just so
frustrated that I wanted to cry. My poor friends came to see me and didn't
get to talk to me before they all had to go about their days. And to top it
off, I had to cut out of the salon before the stain had fully set, so my
blue is not going to hold up well. Oh well, I can always purple over it at
home, though separating the dyed parts will be difficult since they "wove"
them in...yikes! And she was really rough with the combing, so
unfortunately, I have a lot of broken strands now. Might be time to start
cutting out my awesome highlights. Oh well.
I still haven't unpacked the car of all the baby loot yet since the house is
in such an uproar until the kitchen gets squared away. It'll have to get
done tonight, though, since we'll need to pick up new flooring tomorrow for
the hallway. Sigh again.
And on top of it all, my husband's company is threatening to close down his
division. He's getting ready to be our sole income earner and he carries
the insurance on us all, so that is a major stressor. I don't think he'd
have too much trouble finding another job (he's already had a couple of
offers, but he declined because the salary wouldn't have been much higher
than his current job and he'd have to start commuting again which he isn't
keen to do after two years of working from home). He's in a high demand and
highly specialized IT sector, so I'm hoping he can get a few interviews and
come up with a good offer and can tell his current company to eat his dust.
I doubt he'd want to try to work from home with me and the baby home all day
to distract him anyway, so he would have had to start going to the office
eventually anyway.
Yesterday my feet were so puffy that I had to elevate and ice them. We had
been out in the heat all day doing a sightseeing cruise on the river that
runs by our house, so I wasn't too surprised that I was swelling.
Friday, July 13, 2012
8 weeks to go (give or take)
not just giving me little cute kicks anymore, he's rocking and rolling!
I'm drinking red raspberry leaf tea for the first time today. It's
recommended to help speed early stages of labor. I don't think I have the
steeping down to a science just yet. I'll have to make some at home tonight
and loose leaves instead of packing them into my infuser. I think that
would work better because the leaves aren't seeming to get soaked in the
I can't believe next weekend is the baby shower! I've also got my
photographer friend doing some maternity photos that day, too, since I'll
already be all dressed up. LOL. I really need to re-dye my purple
highlights and get my toes painted. I've been tempted to go to the salon to
get the highlights redone because I just don't feel like messing with it
myself and they look horrible now. They've faded to pink. Yeck! I have
even half considered having them re-bleached and dyed turquoise.
A friend and I went on an epic search for the right dress to wear a few
weeks ago and found a really nice one, but it's bright orange (which is "in"
right now because it's the Pantone color of the year). I figured I'd pair
it with some turquoise accents and I really have been salivating after some
druzy earrings on etsy, but they're too pricey, so I cheaped out and bought
some bezel set faceted turquoise pendants and am going to make a matching
set of earrings and necklace for myself. I was going to check the pawn
shops for a better gold plated chain, though, because the findings I got at
the local craft store aren't long enough and I'm not exactly sure how to
join them. I'm sure it'll work out.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Oh, for the love of Pete!
stopping by my desk and chatting. This happened a grand total of three
times for a max of 15 minutes. And the person who made the complaint was my
boss's boss who stops by my cubicle neighbor's desk every day for about 45
minutes and talks about sports and workouts and playing video games. Double
standard much? Apparently, they were uncomfortable with us talking about
"lady stuff". Well, I'd rather not hear about you blowing someone's head
off and seeing the "red rain" in your violent video game, but I just put my
headphones on and ignore the chatter. And it's not like we were standing
there talking about our vaginas. We were discussing glucose testing and
cloth diapers.
In other news, my husband and I went on a bike ride down to the nearby boat
ramp yesterday evening and I kept feeling a little crampy and stopped
peddling a few times to stretch the muscles in my lower belly. Apparently,
the activity had set off my very first noticeable Braxton Hicks contractions
and I didn't really realize it. My back has been killing me for the past
two days in the late afternoons (located higher in the back than my usual
hip pain) and I wonder now if the two things were at all connected. I'll
have to pay attention to that.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
could probably have felt it earlier, but the timing was never quite right.
And one time I told him that the baby was kicking if he wanted to feel and
he actually said, "is it important that I feel that?"
We've had four Bradley Method classes so far. I really like the focus on
relaxation, nutrition and exercise to prep for labor, and I appreciate that
they don't try to "sell" you on a bunch of gimmicks. Everything they teach
in the method is proven and fairly common sense-ical.
The cat was sitting on my lap the other night and a loud noise freaked him
out and he clawed me. I thought he might have gotten me on the stomach, but
I couldn't see the underside of it, so I asked my husband if I had a scratch
and he said, "no, just some stretch marks". I completely didn't know they
were there! Oh well. I'd rather have more stretch marks than killer
heartburn, and so far that has been fairly mild.
We went camping for Memorial Day and the heat really got to me. My feet
plumped up pretty big, so I spent most of my time in the camper in the air
conditioning. I kept meaning to get in the pool, but never got around to
I meant to post when my little countdown ticker said I had 100 days left to
go, but never did because really, due dates are so inaccurate.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
New Couch Blues
I'm getting so bored with the BabyCenter birth board I've been visiting. It's just a bunch of women whining about their awful symptoms, and most of the time it's things like peeing when you sneeze that are completely unnecessary if they'd only be bothered to do some Kegels. They're installing new carpet at work and have kicked up a bunch of dust and I've been sneezing like crazy, but I don't pee myself for Pete's sake. I do my Kegels and that eliminates any incontinence issues I might have otherwise have. And there's always someone posting about on the board wanting sympathy for their peeing problems, and I just have no use for that.
I mean, I know I've been extraordinarily lucky to have had a really easy pregnancy so far...but I just don't think it's all luck. A lot of it is work. I read up and change my bad habits if they could cause any issues. Even the bit of back pain I was having has been remedied by doing pelvic rock exercises. I was making plans with a friend for this weekend and she was hesitant to ask me to go out and do anything because she worried I might swell up in the heat. Uhm...I'm fine, thanks. My feet get a little puffy if I've been on my feet all day, and I tend to lose energy after about 8pm, but other than that, I'm good to go. I haven't changed my daily routine and if anything I try to be a bit more active than I normally would be inclined to be. Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe I'm just not a wimp. It's hard to say.
Also, I left the final decision to circumcise or not up to my husband, and he's decided not to. Don't know if I'd mentioned that before or not. I'm totally okay with either way. There are advantages and drawbacks to both, but I'm a lot more comfortable with not doing it than I am with doing it, so I totally support his decision.
Our old couch was a hand-me-down huge old sectional. The sections don't stick together anymore and it's all broken down from being moved. Like, seriously, if the arm weren't propped against the wall, it would straight up fall off. And one of the recliners is jacked up and a metal bar sticks out of it. We decided it would be hazardous to a baby, so we ordered a new couch. We have specific space constraints, so we are having it custom made in Tennessee (yay made in the USA!) and it should be here in a couple of weeks. My husband keeps threatening to have the old couch picked up by the city trash disposal to make me sit on the floor for the next two weeks. Our Bradley class exercises say I should be sitting Indian style as often as possible, and I don't do it. Anyway, here I was thinking that having a new couch would be so much better for the baby, and then I get to listening to "Fresh Air" on NPR today which was an interview with author Florence Williams about her new book "Breasts: a Natural and Unnatural History" where I learned that stuff like the fire retardants that they put on new furniture gets into your body and aggregates in breast tissue, passing into your breast milk. That stuff is a serious carcinogen! So now I'm freaked out about the new couch. My husband e-mailed the manufacturer today to ask what kinds of chemicals they use and what we can do to mitigate our exposure. Sigh.
I signed up for a breastfeeding class close to the due date. I would have gone to the one at the hospital I'm using, but they charge $20 for it and the one at the hospital nearest my workplace offers theirs for free and they have monthly La Leche League meetings that are free and open to the public, too. I also signed up for a baby CPR class in August. They do charge a little bit for that, but it's only $10, so how can you go wrong?
I also ordered the invitations for the baby shower today. I'm a graphic designer and am super picky about the invitations I send out for things, so I nearly always have to design things myself and send them to a printer to be done on good paperstock. I also picked out the games and sent my mom a list of foods to make for the shower. Am I a bit of a control freak? Yes. Have I planned about a gillion bridal and baby showers? Yes. So, the way I look at is is that it's a lot easier for me to come up with ideas and send them over to mom than for her to grope around in the dark trying to read my mind. In any event, my good friend has taken over decoration, which was a big load off of my mind because my mom has an odd sense of aesthetics, to put it mildly. She likes tacky things.
There are a couple of parenting books that I've thought about buying, but I would just go nuts if I started trying to do things "by the book" or started quoting to people "well the book says not to do that". I don't know if I'd find the books reassuring or if they would just stress me out more by trying to follow all of the advice instead of just finding my way. But maybe I'll pick up Mayim Bialik's "Beyond the Sling" and Pamela Druckerman's "Bringing Up Bebe" anyway.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Diapers and Onesies on sale!
information and played with a ton of different diapering systems and covers.
I liked the Thirsties covers, especially the velcro closures and the double
gusset around the legs, but they come in different sizes for infants and
toddlers whereas the Flips are one size with adjustable snaps that "grow"
with the baby. I thought they only came in snap closures, but they also
make them with velcro now, so I was sold! Especially since The Diaper Fairy
herself recommends them and is going to start offering them for rental this
summer. She says the gussets in the front and back perfectly accommodate
standard pre-fold diapers and keep them from slipping up out of the back of
the cover.
I found a buy 2 get one free sale online with free shipping and even found a
coupon code for an additional 5% off, so I ended up getting six Flip covers
(4 velcro and 2 snaps) for $8.84 apiece. I'm stoked! Target lists them as
$16.95 apiece and doesn't even carry the velcro ones so I can put them on my
registry. I did put some disposable liners on the registry, though. And I
ordered a wet bag for on-the-go changes. Now all I need is some Snappis and
I'm all set!
The diaper laundering service I'm going to contract with rents the prefolds
with a bin and washable bin liner and costs $80 a month for weekly drop off
and pick up. Sweet! I could order my own stash of prefolds and wash them
myself or pay around $25 for laundering, but eh. We're not really laundry
I've ordered a selection of yellow and greens and blues. Some bright, some
more muted. They're going to be awesome!
In other news, I have a ton of sewing projects going on for the baby. I am
going to make a taggie blanket out of minky and flannel, a door muff out of
flannel and ribbon, a book sling in bright primary colors, a ribbon valance,
a height chart, a terry cloth hanging caddy for the changing area, and about
50 washable wipes. Shew! And here I thought that once I got the nursery
done, I'd be able to relax. But once I got the paint and furniture in, I
realized how bare it was and how much more there was to do.
Also, a friend of mine recommended the Disney brand of onesies because the
"Grow an inch" snaps along the bottom provide a good fit and she says
they're well-made and hold up to washing. I found some on a good deal the
other day and snapped up 6 of them in newborn and 3-6 sizes. With shipping,
I ended up paying $3.83 apiece for them!!
I knew I'd end up not being able to prevent myself from buying every baby
thing in sight before the shower. I'm a sucker for a good deal and am so
excited about the baby that I can't help myself!
I met the second of the three midwives in the practice yesterday. She was
warm, and nice, and not in a rush. I'll meet the third midwife on the 5th
when they do the big glucose test. I've got a Bradley class that afternoon
as well, so I've gone ahead and asked the day off work. Perhaps, I can get
some of my sewing done.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Lots happening!
One weekend when we were working on the room, I got super worn out and a little light headed and my heart was hammering. I'd forgotten to take my prenatal vitamin the night before, which rarely happens, so I think maybe my iron got really low. I go in for my next visit tomorrow morning, so they're going to test it. And I was a little worried about being tired all the time and tested my blood pressure on those sit-down supermarket machines and it was 140/70. I e-mailed my midwife and she said it wasn't anything to worry about since I'd been walking around the shopping center for an hour, and they don't get concerned until the bottom number gets high. So that was a big relief.
I went to a cloth diapering class on Monday night and met up with The Diaper Fairy, a lady who runs a diaper laundering service in our town. She gave us the run down on what to buy and how the laundering service works, and also how to launder at home if we choose. Super helpful. She also had a ton of diaper covers and diapering systems to show us, so we got to play with all the different types. I like the Flips the best.
Today was our first Bradley Method class. It was fun to meet the other couples. One of them is due the same day as me and is using the same midwife practice and hospital. She seemed nice. The teacher gave us a bunch of exercises to learn, so I need to start doing them. And also walking more. For real.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Gender drama
anyone but family what the gender is because we don't want a bunch of pink
or blue things. We'd rather people buy us neutral things.
An example of the kind of idiocy that we're trying to avoid:
I was showing my mother-in-law the crib that we'd picked out before we'd
learned the gender. The picture was of the model we'd chosen in a white
"Oh, a white finish?" she said, "you know if you have a boy, he's not
going to like that white."
I was baffled, "Why wouldn't a boy like a white finish?" The only
explanation I got was "it just looks girly". Ooookay.
"So what if I was really looking at this natural oak finish?" I asked.
"Well, you know a girl won't like wood finish."
This whole conversation just made no sense to me, but people have some wacky
ideas about gender, gender roles, and the 'genderization' of infants. I've
come to the conclusion that although it confuses the heck out of me why
people have such strong opinions on the matter, that this is just the way
that it is. So the best way to avoid having to confront people's strange
gender ideas is to not tell them the gender. So there!
Of course, if you go around telling people that you're not finding out
the gender, then that opens you up to a whole different variety of
criticism, so my husband and I decided to essentially lie to our friends and
tell them that we tried to find out the gender, but the baby just wasn't in
a good position and we weren't able to tell.
Unfortunately, I neglected to specifically instruct my mother not to go
around telling non-family members what the gender of the baby was going to
be, so she told her obnoxious friend and of course that obnoxious friend
went and blabbed all over my facebook wall about not being able to wait to
meet my "little man". Grrr. I deleted the post and sent her a short
message (I was late getting back to my desk from lunch and was typing on my
phone) to please watch what she says on Facebook because we weren't publicly
announcing the gender of the baby. If she would have bothered to read any of
my recent statuses, she would have seen that we "didn't know" what the
gender was and that might have given her pause, but I found the comment
quickly and deleted I hope before anyone could see. She wasn't told not to
tell, so I really couldn't blame her or my mom. It was my oversight that
cause the issue in the first place.
I called my mom and left her a voicemail that I goofed up and forgot to
tell her not to tell everyone and their mother that we were having a boy.
She called me back and said she understood why we'd want to do it that way
and that was I thought.
A bit later in the day, I got a call on my phone from my mom's friend.
I was working, so I let it go to voicemail figuring she'd just want to
apologize anyway. Boy was I ever wrong! She left me a long, hateful
voicemail about how I was being rude to her and that she was unfriending me
immediately. Apparently, the main source of injury was that my message to
her was so short and brusk. Sigh. I don't even think I'm going to call her
back to try to explain that I was in a hurry and typing on my phone which is
difficult and that it wasn't really her fault. She's emotionally unstable
and this is not the first round of drama she's brought into my life
unnecessarily, so I'm thinking I'm just going to have to let her go. I know
she'll probably hound my mother about how unfair I was to her, but if mom
doesn't want to deal with people who bring the drama, then it's her
responsibility to cut ties.
I'm in a good place in my life. My marriage is good, I have good
friends (that I really should make more time for), our finances are stable
and life is pretty stress-free. Of course a lot of the reason that life is
stress free is because I consciously made an effort to eliminate the people
and habits in my life that were the sources of my stress. So yeah. Each
person has to determine what level of drama they're willing to live with.
Some people like it. Some thrive off of it. Some go through a drama phase.
It's just not for me.
So hopefully nobody was checking their facebook feed today midday. And
if they did, maybe I'll just play it off by saying "well, everyone has their
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
It's a...BOY!
pretty big now, which is a big laugh for everyone. My neighbor who is due a
week before me still isn't really showing all that much. She's having a
boy, and we found out this morning that we're having a boy, too!!!
We got to see him moving around a lot and kicking. He was feet down and my
placenta is in the front, apparently. Everything looked great, though they
said the baby was a tad large (in the 65% for size, whatever that means.
Larger than 65% of all other babies at that gestational age??) In any
event, the ultrasound tech estimated the due date at August 25th, but the
midwife said we'll keep the official date at September 1st and assume he's a
bit large. Also, I've gained 6 pounds, right on target.
Next month we start our birthing classes and will also have a cloth
diapering class with a local diaper service vendor which should be really
informative. I'm looking forward to both.
Everyone is really excited to have another boy in the family. My mom said I
am "ruining the tribe of girls" since our side of the family is all women.
My husband's troupe is all men, though, so I suppose it all balances out. I
told my husband that the decision about circumcision is all up to him since
he's the family's resident penis expert. He's leaning towards not having
him circumcised and I'm all for it. My only two cons to not circumcising is
if he asks at some point why his parts don't look like daddy's parts and the
advantage of not contracting sexually transmitted diseases as easily. But
then if our son decides to be circumcised later in life, he always has that
We celebrated our second anniversary this weekend by going out of town
overnight and eating at a fancy French restaurant in Cincinnati. Then we
hit up the museum to see a special exhibit on Pompeii, which was very cool,
but I get worn out a bit faster than normal when there is a lot of walking
to do. Also, the hard hotel mattress tried to murder me in my sleep! I
woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and my hips hurt so
badly I almost had to crawl. My legs were weak all day, so we headed home
in the early afternoon instead of staying out until evening. I've taken to
tucking an extra pillow between my knees at home and this seems to help me
wake up with less back pain. My snoring hasn't let up any (womp womp). I
still haven't started walking more, which I really, really should do. On
Monday, our actual anniversary, I came home from work to a lovely bouquet in
my favorite colors.
A lady at work gave me a bunch of maternity shirts in my size. I'm thrilled
to have them. I have one pair of dedicated maternity pants, about three
pairs of goucho pants that are stretchy enough to serve me well, and then I
have two pairs of stretchy slacks that are also wearable. I also have a lot
of skirts with elastic waistbands, but I've been preferring pants so far.
We haven't made any progress on the nursery...sigh. We'll have to get on
that when we have a free weekend. I did buy new blinds, though.
Friday, March 23, 2012
In other news, my husband is concerned and annoyed that I've started to be a full-time snorer. I would sometimes snore before getting pregnant, but now he says it's out of control and he's been sleeping on his on-call bed in the office. Womp womp. I e-mailed my midwife and she got right back to me (she's awesome) and told me to try the Breathe Right strips. She uses them and said that they don't stop her snoring completely, but they make it much less noisy. I picked up a pack and was surprised by the cost - $15 for a month's supply - but I suppose it's worth it if it saved my husband's sanity.
The awful acne that I've had is started to let up a bit. My belly is just huge already! I've stocked up on some maternity tops and I have a few good skirts, dresses and pants that will likely see me through. I'm a size 20, so I already have a lot of pants and skirts that are stretchy and comfy. But my shirts were all too short, so I went out to Motherhood Maternity and stocked up off of the clearance rack. I got several shirts for $10 and $12, and spent only $20 on the most expensive one.
I can feel the baby fluttering around all the time now. And tonight is the first night that I've had any sort of heartburn. It's mild, but I'm really hoping it won't start to be a nightly occurrence. I HATE heartburn.
I've been trying to ride my bike for exercise, but I'm so terrible about not getting enough physical activity. We have a membership to The Y and we hardly ever go. Maybe once in a month, if that. So I'm going to try to be better at that. I also need to do some of the exercises that my midwife gave me to help with my lower back pain. Sweeping the floors and folding laundry put a hurting on me today!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Stocking up
I ordered a bunch of Burt's Bees belly balm online and it finally came. I like the oil and butter, but the balm is kind of weird. It's too solid which makes it hard to apply. But it smells divine!
Tonight, I was leaving straight from work to meet my husband at a meet and greet for the candidates for Congress in our upcoming primary. I don't wear makeup usually and had put on a sweater this morning that I knew wasn't really big enough to cover my rapidly expanding belly. I felt so frumpy and awful that I had to stop at Target and buy a shirt to wear just to boost my confidence a little. I thought I'd scored a good deal when I found an XXL on the sale rack for under $10. I was in a rush, so I didn't try it on. It fit, but it won't fit for long. I mean, really, how idiotic is it to not make maternity wear out of something stretchy?!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Nursery Wall Melt Down
Let me just say here that I haven't had any real emotional outbursts during my pregnancy. I get cranky when I'm hungry, but that's easily solved. I haven't gone on crazy crying jags or just flipped my lid for no reason. I have gotten unnecessarily livid at work in response to an e-mail from a coworker that was really no big deal, but I realized it was probably hormones and let myself cool down before replying. So when I say I freaked out in the hardware store, I mean, I really freaked out. I was like yelling at my husband about how much time and effort I'd put into this, and I'm the designer in the family so that makes me the authority on what looks good and he should just suck it up because his idea was stupid and would look horrible while my idea was informed by hours of research into current trends. And, really, we're talking probably about 20 hours of searching out source material, compiling some artwork resources and drawing a mockup - the same approach I take with all of my work, so I didn't take wasting that amount of time lightly. We ended up having to go out into the parking lot and continuing our argument in the car where I pretty much melted down into a crying puddle. Eventually, we decided that we would ditch the coral reef idea since we were obviously on two completely different pages and go to the bookstore to look through children's books to get another idea.
We considered Pooh bear (my husband is a big fan of Tigger), Peter Rabbit, Dr. Seuss' "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" and a few other ideas. I don't really like over-exposure to branding, so we were about to settle on hot air balloons when we spotted a display that had an Angry Birds game on it. He was obsessed with that game for a few weeks last year and then his mother and I played it all night one night while the guys worked out in the woodshop at his parents' house. Anyway, we were like, hmmmm....Angry Birds nursery?
And so that's what it will be. We went back to the hardware store and got some paint for the background, searched the web for a few images to base the wall mural on and will start painting one of these days when it's warm enough to open the windows. I'm really glad we were able to come to a compromise and I'm a little embarrassed about how I freaked out about something so silly IN PUBLIC (which we never do. If we have disagreements, we always work them out in private).
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Must have popcorn
Some friends of mine taught their little girl how to sign and it was very
helpful for them to know what the baby wanted before she was able to tell
them what was wrong and why she was crying. She's getting ready to go to
school later this year, and she's just a dream when we babysit for them.
She gets bored with us because we didn't have any fun projects lined up for
her to do, but she's just so smart and well-spoken. So, hopefully, this kit
will help us out when our little one arrives.
In other news, I'm craving potato chips and particular brand of spicy
popcorn. I think I'm going to have to stop at the store on the way home and
pick up a back of that popcorn or I'll die!
My godmother thinks it will be a boy. She didn't break out her tarot cards
or anything, but she's got good intuition. (Yeah, my family are pretty much
a bunch of hippies.)
Monday, February 27, 2012
apparently it's just one of those things that happens (like passing out)
during pregnancy and is nothing to worry about. Still, though, what a weird
Monday, February 20, 2012
It's Facebook Official
Facebook, so I made a special attempt to have lunch with my buddy who has a
3 month old who I don't see very often anymore. I kept trying to slip my
news into the conversation without just having to blurt it out, but there
wasn't a good time, or the baby was sleeping and I didn't want her to squeal
really loud and upset the baby. Basically, she talked a lot about herself
and the baby and every other inconsequential thing, and I found it hard to
steer the conversation towards myself.
So in the end, she had to find out on Facebook with the rest of my
acquaintances who didn't warrant telling in person or at least in an instant
message conversation.
There were lots of congratulatory comments and "likes". Very few people
were really surprised. We're people of a certain age who were recently
married, so I think it was expected that we'd be starting a family sooner
rather than later. My co-workers who found out on Facebook stopped by my
desk today to give their congratulations in person. I love my job! The
people are so great. I mean, it's boring, but the bosses are nice and
they're pretty lax, so I can't complain.
I filled out my FMLA paperwork today. Felt a little odd about it since I'm
not planning on coming back to work after the baby comes, but I filled it
out anyway. They'll be issuing my "Stork" parking pass soon so I can park
in the front row of reserved spaces. Someone on the BabyCenter group chided
me on wanting to park closer when I mentioned that my company offered these.
I'm like, "just because I have the options to park closer to the building,
doesn't mean I will. Geeze!" But I'll be damned certain to park there if
we have a snowstorm and the parking lot turns into an ice rink. People are
so judgy sometimes. It's like this person immediately jumped to the
assumption that I would park as close to the building as possible to avoid
walking while pregnant. Au contrare, I've actually been making myself walk
more since I found out I was pregnant, because, well, duh, it's healthy to
get some cardio every day. Anyway, that lady just ticked me off with her
snide comment.
Feels good to have the cat out of the bag, so to speak!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Protein Intake
P.S. - Apparently, cottage cheese and powdered milk are fantastic sources of protein. I already have some powdered milk in the house, perhaps I should use it to make my morning breakfast shake instead of regular milk. And I'll definitely have to pick up some cottage cheese since I love it anyway.
I'm soooo tempted to order a fetal doppler off of eBay! I keep listening to the recording of the baby over and over like a junkie!
I told my boss right after our appointment yesterday. I knew she'd be really excited for us, so I didn't hesitate for a second. But after I posted the story on the baby boards, everyone was all up in arms about how you shouldn't tell too early for fear of reprisals. I know that won't happen at my current workplace, but I can see why some people have those concerns.
Now we'll have to decide if I'm going to be a stay-at-home mom. Telling my boss that I won't be coming back after the baby will be WAY harder than telling her I'm expecting. I left the company a few years ago for better pay at a high stress job that ended after some poor communication with management led to a toxic situation. That day I went home, posted to my Facebook wall that I'd been canned and she replied that she'd have me back at my old job in a heartbeat, so back I went. I gave up a bit of pay, but actually take home more since I don't have union dues anymore, and it's so much less stress that it's totally worth it! Can't grow a baby and be stressed all day every day!
Also, I co-manage an account with a guy whose wife is due about a week before me! I guess we'll be training a backup in the event that we're both out of the office at the same time.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
We heard the heartbeat!!!
After a harrowing minute of searching, the trainee finally found the heartbeat!!! They didn't tell me the heart rate, so I counted a ten second interval from the recording my husband took and figured the beats per minute to be 174.
Afterwards, when I was heading out to the lab to get my bloodwork done, my primary midwife said, "nice strong heartbeat. Sometimes when they say they haven't had any symptoms I think oh we're not going to find a heartbeat, but thankfully I'm wrong most of the time I think that."
In other news, they took blood out of my hand since they couldn't find a good vein in the crook of my elbow. Owie! My hand hurts. It's all purple and swollen.
The front office has to put a call in to the insurance company, but the bill from their office will either be $220 or nothing depending on it our copay portion subtracts from out $1000 deductible or not. Lab will bill separately as will the hospital, but so far we're right on target with the baby budget :) And I've got a crib, changing table, high chair, stroller and car seat picked out already on a Target registry. The big ticket items will run us just over $500 and I'll leave the smaller stuff to the baby shower attendees.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
200 days to go!
Time! I'm sure this is horribly inaccurate, but all the same, it feels like
a milestone to me. I can't wait for tomorrow so I can hear the baby and
finally get some reassurance that all is well. I really want an ultrasound,
but I know I probably don't need one. I have a lot of anxiety around the
idea of it being twins, but I'm sure the midwife will be able to tell just
by a physical examination if she needs to order an ultrasound to "diagnose"
twins. Besides, there is some scant research that indicates ultrasounds are
irritating to fetuses and may even be detrimental to cell development.
There's not a lot of research on the effects of ultrasounds, which is weird
since their so standard. You would think the medical community would have
thoroughly vetted the risks to make sure they don't outweigh the benefits
before making it standard practice to give everyone an ultrasound. Makes me
a little leery of the whole obstetrics community. They should be able to
tell me that ultrasounds are proven 100% safe, and they can't. The best
they can say is that "we assume ultrasounds are safe but no one has studied
the effects". Hmph!
Anyway, tomorrow is baby doctor time! FINALLY! I'm so anxious. I'll bet I
have a terrible time getting to sleep tonight, which would suck because
tomorrow is going to be a long day. I have an early appointment with the
midwife, straight to work, straight from work to the funeral home for the
service for my youngest uncle's long-time domestic partner - for all intents
and purposes, we'll say my aunt who died unexpectedly the other day. It's
very sad, but I really haven't been able to think much about it because I'm
so focused on the appointment to see my midwife. I'm sure after we get some
piece of mind, I'll be able to really feel the full impact of her death.
I will probably tell my boss tomorrow if all goes well at my appointment. I
was also looking forward to spilling the beans on Facebook, but I have a
couple of other good friends that would like to hear first hand. I have
plans to do lunch with one of them this Saturday and I'm sure if I catch the
other online, she'll be thrilled and not too sad not to be told face to
face. So I guess I can wait to do a FB announcement until after Saturday.
It's just really hard to be patient. I hate waiting!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Thoughts on "The Business of Being Born"
My husband was messing around with his computer in the room while I watched the movie and at one point he commented on a delivery scene. "Why is she naked?" he asked. I shrugged and said, "beacuse she's in labor and maybe that's how she feels most comfortable." He said, "Well, I don't see why she has to be naked." Now, I'm kind of a walk around the house naked on occasion type of person, so I don't consider wanting to be naked during labor and delivery to be unusual at all. I told him that if he had a problem with that, then we could implant him with my uterus and he can take over and deliver the baby himself. "Oh, right," I said, "you can't do that. So why don't you just let me do whatever helps get me through this, even if it means I find hospital gowns to be uncomfortable and want to go naked." I think he thought I was just being hormonal, but he needs to get used to the idea of being supportive during the process and also knowing what to expect and what is going to be expected of him. I get the impression he thinks he's just going to play sudoku on his phone between contractions while I'll presumably behave in a manner similar to every sitcom labor he's ever seen, and the nurses and midwife will take care of everything else.
He also said "gross" when one of the babies was delivered in the movie. I said, "Sorry, it's a gross process, so don't wear any clothes that day that you would mind getting icky."
He went to bed before the end of the movie, which was fine since he was busy with his tech stuff and I put it on for me to watch, so it wasn't like a let's sit down and watch this together and then discuss it type of night. It's on Netflix so if he wants to watch it, he can. I wish he would have watched more or seemed more interested in the parts he did watch, but it took him awhile to get used to the idea of ditching contraception, so maybe he'll come around to realizing that labor is an intense and dynamic process in his own time. I'm certain that the Bradley Method classes I'm considering will go a long way towards managing his expectations of what labor will be like, which is part of the reason I find them so appealling. It's a 12 week course, so he'll have plenty of time to wrap his head around what his role will be and we'll both have lots of practice with relaxation techniques that will help with the pain.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
1 week
up in a 42D, up from a 40C. Yikes! And I met my girlfriend who has two
toddler boys for dinner and told her my news. She was super excited and we
talked for a few hours about husbands and pregnancy and crafts. Good times!
Only one week left until my first prenatal appointment! I'm going to tell
the midwife about how I've been feeling the baby intermittently. A lot of
people say it's physiologically impossible, but I beg to differ! Gosh, I
hope I get to see an ultrasound just to put my mind at ease about the whole
twins thing. And I'll be really interested in finding out what the fees are
going to be so I can plan accordingly.
The husband is out tonight giving a lecture to a bunch of computer nerds, so
I'm going to whip up some falafel and perhaps pop some sriracha popcorn and
load up my DVR'd episodes of Downton Abbey. Ahhh. Relaxing.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Also, I can feel my uterus a few inches above my pubic bone. I'm really hoping that these early symptoms aren't an indication of twins. Goodness!
I had my first fully caffeinated Coke since I learned I was pregnant today at lunch. I wasn't feeling particularly tired or like I really needed the caffeine, I just wanted a little treat.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Getting bigger
noticeably bigger, but they're definitely creeping towards D cup territory.
Just 9 more days until I get in to see my midwife for the first time. Can't
wait!!! I know we'll get to hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, but I
don't think they'll do an ultrasound this time. I'm pretty sure they just
do one ultrasound at 20 weeks when we'll get to find out the gender. That
should be sometime around our 2nd wedding anniversary. I wish we could see
the baby at our first visit, though, because it'd be great to put my mind at
ease about the whole possibility of having twins. I'm definitely starting
to show, and I'm thinking that it's still a little early at 10 weeks to be
showing. But we'll see what the midwife has to say about that.
Friday, February 3, 2012
I've got plans with friends tomorrow, a Super Bowl party on Sunday, and meeting the girls for pizza and beers on Tuesday, so I'm sure I'll spill the beans then. Hopefully my first appointment in a couple of weeks goes well. I want to tell my good friends personally before splashing the news on Facebook and I plan on doing that at 12 weeks, a week after my first prenatal visit with the midwife. So one week doesn't give me much time to make the rounds and tell everyone in person, so I thought I'd get a jump start on it.
And I SWEAR I'm starting to show, so I'll have to tell my boss soon.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Strange Conversation with My Uncle
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
hardly wait! Everyone on the BabyCenter forums are all talking about their
HcG levels and whatnot, and I feel a bit left out.
I have been so good about not drinking caffeinated beverages. Sometimes
I'll have a glass of sweet tea, but I haven't had any coffee and when I
drink a soda it's been a ginger ale or sprite. I may have a Big Red this
afternoon. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water!
Last night I was at the store and went way out of my way to the freezer
section to get some nasty Totino's pizza rolls. I just really, really
wanted pizza rolls. I might get some wonton wrappers and pepperoni and try
to make some at home myself that have fat free cheese and some spinach and
other veggies to try to add a little nutritional value to them if I'm going
to be craving them every day!
I have been so crampy. It worries me, but so long as there's no spotting,
then I try to just roll with it and tell myself that it's perfectly normal.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Symptoms, and not good ones.
is normal, but it makes me really nervous. The spotting I don't worry about
since it's not heavy. If it were a heavy red, I'd probably freak.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Home from Vacation
I went to a cocktail birthday party today and kept drinking cranberry juice, telling everyone it was a vodka cranberry. No one seemed to suspect anything.
Friday, January 6, 2012
A good day
reasonably settled. No cramps. Let's hope this holds out for the next two
days at least because I'm going to be on a plane tomorrow to Houston and
then the big leg from Houston to Honolulu which could be miserable if I'm
puking. Sucks that our flight had to be re-scheduled to cover two days
instead of one. I could really use that extra day at home to get some more
done. I'm stopping off at the store after work today and stocking up on
snacks for the plane. Can you believe they're not serving a meal on a
flight lasting over 8 hours?! I'm indignant. I mean, I don't mind buying
food, but when I booked the tickets they weren't offering hot meals on that
flight, which is ludicrous to me. Even not being pregnant and sick to my
stomach I can't go 8 hours on snacks alone without getting grumpy. At least
now they're offering a small menu of "real" food. There's a salad and a
wrap and burgers and fries available for purchase.
Tonight is Girls' Night! I'm so glad. Then I'm picking my mom up and
taking her home with me so she can house sit while we're out of town.
Sadly, my uncle had a heart attack yesterday and she's pretty nervous about
his condition, so I'm hoping she doesn't get too upset.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Peppermints to the rescue.
still feeling icky. How about some rice cakes? Nope, still icky. Oatmeal?
Nope. Finally, with a half an hour left in the work day, I pop a peppermint
into my mouth (one of the green ones) and that does the trick. I'll have to
remember that!
Is it naptime, yet?
I have some conveniently-shaped, round, refrigeratable gel packs that I need
to find and start carrying with me, but today I improvised with napkins
wetted with cool water inside of sandwich bags. It really helped, too :) I
was a bit startled by the web of big, fat blue veins I saw in my breasts
last night. I'm very fair skinned, so I can usually see veins under my skin
anyway, but these were new and there were a lot of them. Very interesting.
I had to take a nap yesterday afternoon. I was starving when I got home from
work and then we gorged on Chinese food, and I think I put too much food on
my stomach and got sickly feeling, so I laid down and napped for three hours
until the worst had passed.
Today I have a bit of nausea and am feeling like I'd like another nap, but
there are three hours left in the work day, so I'm going to have to tough it
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Root Beer
Not many symptoms today. Sore boobs, but not too bad. No nausea today.