Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's hard to believe that our anniversary trip to France is just days away!
I've been looking forward to this for a must be something like the
anticipation I'll feel when we're expecting a baby.

With all of the travel preparations - putting a hold on our mail, mowing the
lawn so it doesn't end up being a jungle by the time we get back, making
arrangements for the dog and cats to be cared for, packing and re-packing -
I haven't thought much about our baby-making plans...that is, I hadn't until
my best friend told me yesterday that she's 9 weeks along!  Now all thoughts
of currency conversion and trying to dredge up the few French phrases I
learned in high school have all been supplanted by baby thoughts!

I'm equally relieved and worried at the news.

(since I just accidentally deleted the post I was writing, I'll add more on
this later :)

It's really hard to believe that in under two weeks, I'll be off of birth
control!  We have a preconception appointment with a local midwife just days
after we return to make sure we're all on the same page before we take the

I've been eating as if I were already pregnant - not doubling my portions,
but making sure I eat a handful of trail mix as a snack instead of a candy
bar, stocking up on dried, fresh, and frozen fruit, and making sure I
incorporate extra helpings of spinach in my recipes.  We don't eat badly
anyway and have been taking extra steps to reduce my cholesterol intake
since mine is high and I won't be able to be on statins while we're trying
to get pregnant and until after I stop breast-feeding.  So I've switched to
almond milk and we only buy the Omega-3 enhanced eggs and things like that.
I even bought a big  package of garden burgers so we can grill those instead
of eating fatty red meat.

When we get back from our trip, we'll start the hard work of saving up for
the baby and we have some home improvement projects we need to finish up
which will make saving that much harder.

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