Wednesday, July 6, 2011

All smiles

I've been indulging in coffee and tea and sodas and even alcohol more than
usual lately because I know I'll have to go without in the near future.
It's getting very exciting. My husband and I regularly talk about "our
kids" and how we'll divide the chores once I'm pregnant and may not be up
for the level of housework that we've been undertaking lately (we're talking
laying tile and knocking out walls to expand a closet, here). I've really
been enjoying the preparations.

Am I crazy for having a registry already? It does seem to be putting the
cart well before the horse, but I'm a planner. The more I prep for
something, the less anxiety I have about it, so when I feel myself getting
anxious or impatient, I log on the registry and read reviews and try to find
the best deals for essentials.

It's a good time. It's good to have such high expectations and to feel so
